Im human...defenitely not a robot..:) a thursday...this week has been eventful n non eventful at d same time....
well eventful cos..i av to run around n appear for tests of all kinds..may it be d physical body or d virtual test for data structures...well this week i learnt my stoool n d liquid tat runs thru my body n out of my body is all normal and that i am actually belong to d same species as all...*well ppl said im a different person all in jus had those few doubts lingering..*well physically im fine......*yeay!!*
n uneventful cos...last one month iv been on my toes doing stuff that wudn remind me of the future journey...i mean...i stayed wit ammachy..took care of calmag..painted a colorful pot wit calmag...prayed for her...literally stayed at jerusalem for d fund-raiser*had to come home for my bed*..cried our hearts out for d prog...jubiliantly thanked god...n this jus find these time void jus sitting around uneventfully thinking about my so very uncertain future n starin at d past-moment-captured-stuff..*ppl call it photos*...!!!its only settling in that iv got a very busy future ahead...:):)*thanks my Best Frn*
n well i had a talk wit my frn gettin all shaky abt this whole buisness..n he said "prepare for the Worst..n things will wok out...n i'l get the prayers required...cos ur life comes before nethin else..."
well 4 months ago i used to wonder how wud these months unfold out..n My Best Frn laid it out so magnificiently that i cant believe i just av 2 more days to go...!!!well im pretty excited to go to d 'globe-shaped-place'..all ready to live this new life...but well m human not a im entitled to these minute sad i hope i can keep updating this blog often..!!as i venture out..i leave it all in God's mighty Hands....:):)
well before i jus press d publish button..i'd like to mention that 2 ppl this week told that reading this blog has inspired them to start one on their own....
man...Cheers to inspiration n creativity...:):)
