Changes are good!!

It is a new week today. Usual round of blueness is hovering in the air.
I can't really wait for the beautiful Friday to come up and shine before my eyes.
It’s been long since I’ve blogged. So here goes, updates from my end.
Our first little house which we lived and dreamed in for the past one year has finally  been rented out, so I've heard. I remembered the first time we  saw this house, We fell in love with its smallness. The house was small to everybody’s eyes, but to ours it was more than we could ask for.  Even though the walls seemed to close in as we moved from one room to another, we just could feel the warmth and the love of the beautiful place. It was our perfect start to our life together, our 2BHK full of memories. A lot has changed for us in our past year. For initial part of the year, we went house hunting. Walked in and out of multiple multi stories to  look out for our little house for our own. Multiple negotiations, buttered victims in the hands of marketing agents our hunt continued. Mid last year, we saw a nice little apartment near the vast Bellandur lake. It definitely was a huge house, much beyond our expectations. We decided to buy it. This would mean hundreds of months of paying through our nose and mouth. But we decided to take the risk. Families from both sides came together to help us buy that dream . After multiple months of waiting for the mirage of a dead line to come closer, we finally moved out of small little rented house and moved into this new flat. And it feels like home.

At the age of 26 , Did I dream of being where I would be? I'd guess No. In the year 2012, I was so vexed just making a decision of getting married. Later in that year, there you go, guess who got married. The year 2013 was quite different, I was asked to make decisions faster than passing seconds of a year.
Old house gone. New house come. Old job gone. New job come.
The relentless cycle of old and new continue.
And I now have an inkling that year 2014 is going to be much different than I can ever imagine.
And through the past years, I have a multitude of people I want to
thank. But Lord, what would I have done without you.
I've been pretty selfish through the past year. Been pretty distant from You. Lord, I’m not sure I am deserving of all this. It is only by your grace that we feel so blessed. Thank you Lord for your constant guidance and support.
My Mr... I think I've never met anyone like him before.
He is the focused, persevering, loving person of the two.
He can be the biggest goof ball too. His constant encouraging would have something to do with where I am currently. His calm composure is far too calm for my rough tidal waves of reaction. A lot of people mistake him for a STAR in the sky. But let me tell you he is my star.
Parents... I now have four of them... They love us and inspire us so much. My Mr.’s parents.. they have loved me with no boundaries and I thank my God for them.
My parents.. Never ever felt so close to them. The past 25 years where they took care of me happens to be my priceless and precious 25 years. From when I first cried till they dropped me off at my Mr.’s they have spoilt me with love. Thank you 2*(Papa n Mummy) for that.
My siblings.
Well Pramod.. he is my idiot of a brother to me. What would I do without this goofball.
Anu .. Something about her springs a light in me every time I talk to her. I’m sure her gudgirlpappu is one lucky baby.
Ammachys Appachas, their constant prayer for us is surely the reason we live with strength.
Their prayers are our guardian angels.
Our relatives near and far.. our short conversations with them over phone remind us that we aren't here alone. Their conversations reminds us of the ones we can fall back on.
And finally friends... I'd go insane without them. They bring the essential insanity in the life. without which we would be insane with sanity.
I love them all.
All of them stand like stalwarts in my meek life. They give me the strength in my heart to face this delirious world. Lord by your grace I have been blessed with them.
Thankfully yours!
Happy Mabre
