Ah..well...hello my little people.!! Its been a long time I see.
I'm amid a lot of white snow all the way up in Manali..!!
How did you get all the way up there. people might think..
Well long story short.. It was a 3 week affair..
And, my God, has it been a beautiful ride!
It started with the wedding, almost a fairy tale wedding.
I was standing beside the guy who means the world to me.
It felt like a great day to be there at the altar.
As the bishop roared out all our wows and blessed us to be a blessed couple forever till death does us apart.
It felt like being in the right place. To get all the way there with a smile on your face, it definitely wasn't easy.
There were fears amass which I carried with me in my little fear ball, but just then, during those hours, everything just felt right.
That to me was just a matter of hours and what followed that was what overwhelmed me.
The love from the husband and his family, the newness, the joy, the laughter you share with a cousin in law.
Wow! It felt like being a part of my own family.
There were so many new things I learnt during that time. Mainly how to be a newly wed.
We packed our bags to Kerala to spend time with our extended family.
And boy, did I all the love and affection from the families come in form of food.!
I might not be surprised if I felt like my paunch had become a person in itself and started growing like none other.
We were treated like we were descendants of the royal family of England.
And all through that little did I know how inseparable I was getting with the one I got married to.
And honeymoon!! I wonder what made people call it the honeymoon... not sure if it is the honey or the moon that came first.
Till now in our little expedition we haven't seen any.
Well Manali, through all our late night calls during our courting period, we built castles in the air.
We dreamt of all the honey and the moon.
But then, God has a way of sending you through His plan and not ours.
We were not prepared for the cold Manali gave us.
But let me tell you, each new day appearing before our eyes seeing the sun from our beautiful cottage window is like gift from above.
Seeing the magnificence of the mountains , the rushing waters of the Beas river, the crackling fire in the neighbourhood is like a little tiny revelation unfolding in front of our eyes.
The warmth of the little himalayan people has made me question our whole definition of brotherhood.
Let me tell you a little description of my thought-flowing-place.[currently at]
I am sitting in front of the orange beams heater, which we would have started worshiping with 10000 roses if not for the years of religion and God we have studied. What we would have done without this man made God I wonder.
I have a snoring husband to my left who has been facing the brunt of the cold like a little warrior.
Staring outside the window I see the snow finally melting from the large Goliath like coniferous trees.
This honeymoon has give more reasons to be thankful for the love I have been blessed with.
It definitely has not been the way we have planned it to be, but the cold and the snowy mountains are growing on to me.
I will miss this place.
Manali-ing Mabre.
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