Being Truly Yours - Part 2

I cant do this anymore. Well it has reached an extent which could be referred to as pinnacle. I have to transform an enormous bag of feeling into words. The bag is hugely populated. With so many feelings and mostly positive one I wouldn't want my bag of feelings to tear and slip away in this dark untraceable world. I need to record every week's happenings at the Truly-Yours place.. Its absolutely a must..Cause somewhere down the lane or the road to some destination.... when I pick out my blog and read it... Im sure I would have some extremely positive energy flowing through me.. Iam absolutely and positively sure about that...

Weekend came and went by like a Santa with feet covered in cotton-pads. It just came and went past faster than a pimple on the face. It filled my heart with emotions which I dont usually feel. It left me drooling for more.
My week with the Monday to Friday is a pretty crucial one with deadlines and cut-offs, but my drool is smudging every possible line. The more I try to clear my thoughts and focus on the "the great crucial week", the foggier it gets. Before I try to take a step ahead in this foggy week I would have to organize my far-fetched thoughts into a post for my blog. And in that way the collisive nature of my thoughts could be leashed in. So here goes....

The session on Staurday & Sunday at the Truly-Yours was an eye-opener. An eye-opener at many levels. Knowing my strengths and weaknesses was the greatest and the most humungous level. We had the zip zap bouyoying game on Saturday...A super fun game at first..It kept progressing to a dificult level... It went upto a state where I would have lied if I said I din't have tears of frustration in my eyes. This game was to induce our responsiveness to cues [on stage]. So there were cues zooming all over the place, all types of cues and I was caught unaware so much so that I felt I would be thrown out of the little group...I noticed something there, the more I tried concentrating for my cue, the more I failed at it. After stressful mind and reflex exercise, we were educated on the different emotions. And that was less stressful than the previous activity.:-) Thank God for that.
We bid good-bye as ususal , promising to meet the next day.
signed off,
YT Mabre.*have to stop*
..... contd.....
