Hey well - Greetings to you from the creative* me.
I just laid my eyes on this movie "Dhobi Ghat". Well...i cant describe the reaction in just a word. But if i was to i'd use two - "Subtle - Enchantment"
The minute the trailer was released a few months ago... I shouted aloud " Dhobi Ghat -first day first show" But deep in my mind i knew it would be quite sometime before i would get to watch it...**
Well so Dhobi Ghat released ...reviews were pretty contradictory -As expected. Yet didn't watch it.
Well - "Maha-shivaratri" Our beloved work-place gave us a day off...An ideal day to download pirated version of it.A Sorry goes out to the anti-piraters. I hve a valid and a heart felt explanation for it.
Well as I watched the movie - a million thoughts crossed my mind..and i love a movie that makes you think.
First of all kudos to the actors . Aamir romanced with a conservative lady he met on different sides o a television screen. It looked so heart felt and real to me. Munna- he played his part well. The most i liked about Shai were her photos...and Yasmin - innocence personified...:)
There were different shots/stills in the movie , it could be a simple scene like Yasmin choosing bangles for herself , it was shot so simply but very beautifully....
Another little thing that caught my eye was - every person that came on the screen - may it be just a passer by or a person in one of Shai's photos had a story behind those cold hard faces... When the photos of Shai scrolled past the screen each face spoke encyclopeadia's of life story.

There was this silent but subtle description given by Yasmin about the sea.... " Sea- a holder of secrets and for the "sea" a secret remains a secret."
Wow - I have never thought over things like these...such silent but "creative" thoughts. Would not forget this movie in a jiffy.
-Signing off
Impressed Beholder - Mabre
* - creative - A relative word. Creativity lies in the heart of the beholder.
**-[I was not brought up watching movies."Movies/Cinema" - all that was pretty shunned at home. Well once i grew and could think for myself I found myself falling in love with some of the treasured movies. I watched just a jeweled-few when i got the opportunty to...
For example : I watched Titanic 8 years after its gigantic release. It was love-at-first-sight movie:)]
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