Laurel and Hardy :)

Today i was thinking of this thing and my mind realed a bit...Apart of my brain doing a folk dance another side of my lil brain yawning and another just a reactive smile..
It is not a single thing in fact...Its actually a series of people that fall into a particular category...
People I never got to know...But at the same time I craved to know...
Wh0??? O Who???? would be The Q ...
So here goes
One is "Mr Laurel" ...Man he can be thin and witty at the same time...Once upon a time I spent a lot of my time in awe of that person...Every time I heard of him...My heart did a flip..It just yearned to know his latest piece of wit...:):) But now when I think of it question to myself would be WHY?? Well Mr Lorry...You aint the MW (Master of Wit ) any more to me...!!!

Another would be "Mr Hardy" ...You guys out there must be thinking this is all a made up Laurel N Hardy comic strip..Guess what...Thes are real people in the real world..They just were out there...The people I wished I could be like or with...:):)
well so Mr Hardy...Funny and smart as he can be....He actually is laziness personified...
We were twin souls in fact...Everything he did I did too...So alike so alike...!!
Now when I think about it though he is far apart .....I wish him good....I just hope he is enjoying playing drums in his van under the tree...

Apart from that there is this Mr "Medium-Size"... Liked his attitude.....:)Mr "Medium-Size" I meet often...but everytime Imeet him..I got to remind me..."You Fool,He is with another Fool...."

So these people might not be the most obvious people out there...But in everyones Life there might be many a "Hardy" or a "Laurel"...

Morall of the story woud be:People might be thin or they might be a lil more "healthy" *wink* ...
So remember the specialest of surprises come in all shapes and sizes..So dont limit yourself to one kind...Go...Go and find the special sized person...He is out there....So out there....:)He might not be waitin for you...But yet remember he is out there....!!!
