3 months, and many more!!!

A quiet 2 months passed by my blog.
No seeming activity lingered around Happy Mabre.

But in reality, my life is taking a swerving turn into a direction that is slowly unfolding in ront of my tired eyes. For some reason this 'tired' i mentioned is not a bad thing. The past 2 months have not been a quiet one indeed. My brain have had screaming thoughts. But it took me more than 2 months to come to terms with all that around and thus the burst out.

Just when I returned from DYC which took palce in the last week of May, I came with an inner peace and confidence, A sort of spirit lift up, I could say. I just felt so free inside cause I felt somebody else being in control of my worries of million grades. And ever since that there has been no turning back. I saw each chapter of my life turn day after day. It started from this person I met at Phoenix Mall till today when i wished him Good night. I wished I could record each day and its thoughts and the firsts and the newness and the love.

I led a very unsure life for the past couple of months. It started from unsurity of what I desire, of what i want from life, of what to feel when when i first spoke to him in private, of what to converse with him when i met him in public, to what to respond when he first used the 3 magical words. Well i didn't feel the cliche'd feelings. I was just a little too used to my independent , don't care life, that it took me 2 whole months to feel the 'feel'. I used to wonder what people whisper into phones for hours together, cause I used to gasp for converstion topics in fifteen minutes into the conversation. And let me tell you what I speak into the phone isn't ever a whisper. And as the days go by everything from a miss timed sneeze to the story of the 3 kittens to a health tip, everything is what we speak about. The talks comfort my stressed out heart.
And we met more than a couple of times. Every meet had something crazy to qoute. The first time we went for a movie, there was no we. *stiffles a giggle* We had our first mis communcation, our first 3 and a half km walk, our first girl beat boy in air-hockey*he yet denies it*, our first odd moment, my first embarassing answer...A million firsts.. And they keep coming...

Well, as everyday passes, I thank God for the way He has planned it out.cause everything looks so much more perfect than my teen dreams.

I dreamt I'd fall in love with a Laughing star, a rock star... or just a star . How glad I didn't cause then there would be sanity missing in life. He rather showed a way out throught the old fashioned Arranged style of Indian wedding, where the girl and boys parent's are in dilema, girl and boy's parents convince their little ones that their charming prince and their princess is hidden in the beautiful web of technology, the matrimonial site. The girls parents meet boy. Girls parents meets boys parents. The boys parents meet girl and girls parents. Parents like each other. Kids like each other and then a green flag is waved. And His plans work like none other. And the rest is a 3 month old history.

Lord in simple words, I thank you for the way you have taken care of us and our little cherished relationship. You took me from being a 'Camel in the desert' to a 'donkey among a lot of Love'. You blessed me with a new family that also trusts in your work..
And as your work unfolds O Lord, please keep us in your wings.
Help us to take time out amid our busy schedule to let You take care of us.
Thank You again, O Lord, for loving us like none other.

Lots of gratitude,
Happy Mabre.
