My Gaurdian Gerrard.

Angel Gerrard gathered all the last bits of petition letters and folded them neatly in to the Mabre draw. The archives of the petition letters seemed to be increasing over the recent past. Some of these requests had almost the same subject. It hardly gave him time to fly around and have his own angel fun during his shift. Wednesday was the weekly meeting with the Master. He decided to give Mabre's case a little more importance for this weekly meeting. He remebered all the replies he had got for Mabre. The replies had just one standard echo, and that was, "It is not the right time, Gerard! She can't handle it."

Well, he wondered if he would be shunned this time too with the same answer. Well he was in for a surprise as the Master had taken up the Mabre topic and said, "Gerrard, The time has finally arrived."

Gerrard: Really. You really think this is the right time for her?

Master: Well, No it ain't the right time for her but it is definitely the right time for v-Man. So I'm sure he will get her through this.

Gerrard: *sniggering with excitement* ok finally an answer to the little girl's prayers.

And in the next few days Gerrard in the petition and the gratitude cubicle had a huge rush of petitions from Mabre. Some framed with nervousness , others with doubtfulness and a whole bunch of Thank Yous. Gerrard had a good feeling about the way things were going.

Gerrard flew around during his free time and followed Mabre around as she made her way through the Phoenix Mall and a whole other places.

There were times when He could almost see the Master smiling down at them.

And as the days went on he could see Mabre stopping randomly wondering if all this was real or was it just a dream. She felt it was all a daze. She didn't know how to react everytime someone squealed at her humungous news. Gerard knew that the break-through would happen soon.

A very weak Mabre finally squealed with excitement in her room just when the humungousness of the news finally entered the system.

And all of a sudden lists of things-to-do drops down from the sky. "Oh, my a million things to be done", she whispered. And Gerrard knew it was not going to be a easy time up there in heaven collecting the prayer requests from her, but knew it was going to worth all the effort for his favourite gaurdian child. He couldn't help grinning to himself looking at Mabre frantically searching for her phone, which two weeks ago would have been lying in a corner of the bag unattended to even if Will Smith had called.
As accounted by my Gaurdian Gerrard!!
