Chennai Pongo - The Bubble Camp!!

The love for camps drove me to this one. Attending so many camps in a lifetime just gets you addicted to them. The DYC 12 camp at Chennai was something I was looking foward to for more than a month. Booking tickets, convincing the unconvincables, planning for the entertainment, praying that your buddies could attend it were just a few of the things I did.

Well each of the camps that I have attended have spoken to me different things to help me with life and all its accessories. And currently being in the state that I was I needed some talking to, to be done. Answers that would let my head finally rest.

With all this in my head we arrived at Chennai. It is known for its heat and a distinct smell. Well and that fact was once again proved. "I was immersed in my sweat" would be an understatement. "Others were imersed in my sweat" would be a more likely statement. Drinking water would just mean that it would find its way out through the sweat pores. Overwhlmed by the heat, it was time to take a nice shower.

After the shower and the sweat dripping from my freshly washed face I made my way into the Auditorium. And the blast of the AC hit me and I never wanted to leave it ever for that. It cooled my heated up homo-sapien body. And I sat through Dulcy Aunty's session. I'm not sure what struck me more. It was her confidence that every girl in that marvelously air conditioned room had a God planned partner for themselves. I wished I was that confident I mused. But at the end I realised I had no reason to believe the other way. O Lord How I thank her for the session. Almost every miniscule doubt I had in the future of my life vanished with the circulated air. And my heart was singing a happy song.
That was just the begining. I had 3 entire days to spend at the camp site and I knew that the Lord had planned it.

As the day went on i could feel my shy, get into my comfort zone cloak magically put on. Well it was part and parcel of my experience at every camp. But hanging out with the team I had come in with was the one of the best thing that had happened to me. I found some really awesome people in each of them.
They were little kids who were younger to me by multiples of 2 years. They got the littleness in me out.

Well as the days went on the songs were so beautiful. As each praise and thanks rang in the auditorium, i felt the presence of the Lord. All the lyrics struck my chord. The simple but yet such powerful words to praise our Saviour. I wished I could stay there forever singing about the Freedom in the Lord and the promises in the Bible and the Glory and Thanks to God. I definitely found more than 10000 Reasons to praise our Father in Heaven.

My failures, my pride, my ego, my vices, my unleashed tongue's works, my unhealthy attitude, my near sightedness, my greed, my long list of worthless needs all danced before my eyes. And all you could do is kneel in front of His feet and praise Him for taking care of me, for numbering the hair on my head, for planning my life out, for providing more than I require, for forgiveness which I didn't deserve.

As the sessions went on I had answers for the million and one questions that drowned my skull a few weeks ago. I learnt the importance of worship ,the importance of being humble, the need to listen to others, the need to stop providing to solutions to my problems and believe that He is in charge , the need to use your time for the Lord. Being and living all that is going to be hard. Making committments and sticking by them is going to be even more tough. But my prayer through the camp was " Lord this could be my last camp. I might not be able to spend such a time ever like this after. So please let this not be another camp where the magic wears off in a few days."

So the camp went on. Slowly the cloak of invisibity starts wearing off and you start speaking to people one by one and you realise it is Sunday. Its time to leave. Well that has been the story for the many camps I have attended but thats ok. Smiling at just one new person or talking to another one was my aim and it was done.

Well and it was time to say bye. With a heavy heart we gulped down our lunch so that we could catch our Red Garden train. We didn't have time to chit chat around. We tried hiding our faces from the Nobleness of the transportation guys so that they wouldn't rush us to our cabs but then we realised it was time. Time to go out of the bubble. Time to say Bye to all our Bubble friends. As we were stuffed into the cab I couldn't help but wonder if I would have the luxury of attending another camp, if I could meet the bubble family again, if I would ever meet the boy who accidently bumped into us... blah.. and mainly if I would be able to actually spend so much of my time praising God. Cause out there is a busy world, a world where time is the last thing we have. But just as Issac sir said make sure you are not the Lord of your time rather, let the lord take control of it.

Linc.ed it is!!!
Camped Mabre..:)
