"Amul" ain't Amul anymore without you!!

O Amritanshu *Trisima's dadagiri style*...!! Dont pretend as though you didn't hear me...Im sure you have ear phones in your ear like always....!!

Well my boy..!!
I miss you... I yet miss you...

Your "Away" status on the communicator yet haunts the daylight out of me....!!

Your chair..your mouse pad..coffee mug hasn't been moved from its place...

You know what if you had made your way out of my life with just a simple bye and a hug, just like everyone else, I guess I wouldn't miss you so much cause I'd know you are out there ok...

Last friday I went to Amul to fare another MBA aspirant bye..You know who... i could feel you hovering all over the place... Ah...that hurt...!! You'd be the one standing right under the nose of the amul guy cause then you'd be able to grab all the orders and have your bite in all...the foodie that you are...You'd even snatch one for me always... But on friday you weren't even there...!! I cant express my sadness enough Amritanshu cause I missed you so much... I'd remember how we'd scan the relieving letters of everybody who were leaving and sigh to each other saying "Wish it was ours!!".. And last friday I had to shake myself before emotions could get the better of me. I forced myself into making trivial conversation with everyone when the pain in my head just lingered....

Well, And today being a monday coming to the cubicle again and seeing the emptiness and knowing that you wouldn't be making you way at 12 o clock and tap my table and shout out a hello and shoot some crazy sarcy comment at you...it makes me feel so incomplete....

As the days go by I find putting words to what I feel is much more difficult. And when it comes to sharing  consolatory words to people who are really broken about your loss, it is so darn difficult. Iv not gone through any of this before neither do I know what are the right words to say. I cant even begin to gauge the pain she is in... And I feel Id do more harm than good by sharing what I feel... I wish I could do something to take away all that... Please forgive me for that... I really wish I had the right words in me. Please keep her in your strong care cause I really believe you are around.!!

CAT man... Im going type in all I can about you cause I think you deserve more than any kinda farewell I could give you. The sad part is I realise how much of a person you are only when you left...!! Wish that wasn't how things had to turn out...!!

Your "TL",
