Being Truly Yours - Part 3

And then came the Sunday. I opened my eyes after a very heavenly sleep [all the stress and the work out induces my sleep to a totally differnt level]. And I learnt something that day. I was going to shock myself and let myself know that Im not all about carelessness and un-readiness. As I rode my moped all the way to the "Truly Yours" place, I kept talking to myself trying to figure out what would be in store for today. I couldn't figure anything out, absolutely nothing, zippo, nada.... SO I just stopped anticipating today's session and just continued the long dusty journey to the "place".
A usual round of "Hey"s went around as entered that little place. Energy entered my system out of nowhere, mostly positive. And then began the activity. We were introduced to soemthing called "animal-imitation". A cat and a snake. I tried. It was tough. Didn't really feel like a cat. I wondered, “How in the world do u actually become a ‘percentage-cat?’”
And then the progressive level was introduced. It definitely did sound really interesting. We were asked to imagine the different life cycles of different living creatures and asked to get into the skin of them. With music to accompany us and with closed eyes, I started off giving a story to a living tree. Emotions sparked from every inch of my body, fluidity into every cell of mine, my brain cells working in ease to imagine a life story of a tree. In between I just let my mind give shape to the story. And there as the story unfolded, I was awestruck at how easily things turned out. I in fact shouted at my brain "You got to be kidding me!!Get outta here!!!" And the music ended and the tree was cut down. With a few minutes of breath catching time on the floor, I could feel my emotion lobe in my brain screaming for air. And I rested.
With a round of walk across the tiny enclosure we got the next item in our plate. It was a pigeon. And the next 30 mins from a pigeon to a dog to a elephant to a human, emotions ran at a high pace, body parts moved in ways I cannot describe, 20 different environments were created by different fellow truly-ians. All of them letting their mind and their belief take control of the body. At the end of it all, I cant explain what it was that I was thinking. It was washed out. No more breath to take in. I had just been through 5 differnt deaths of differnt creatures. I could feel no more. Lungs refused to work. I felt like I was thrashed and crashed from every direction. I felt I could move no more. Lying lifelessly on the ground, no sign of any thinking in my brain...
And slowly as oxygen filled up I twitched..i slowly regained stregth in my spine. Sat up taking support of a wall. It looked like everyone had a story to tell.
But the little part I haven't added yet is that, through all this I felt a strange highness in me, something like peace. Some cells in me doing a robo dance of Love. Not sure what that is. It is this happiness that I cant figure out. It is the feeling that, I imagine, when you falling in love. I just cant figure out.
Well let me complete entire happenings of Sunday. It was Improvisation time after that. Time to let your creativity flow. And the catch is that it should flow on the spot. Sounded challenging for me but got through the activity where we had to jus come up with scenes on stage without pre-planning. Awed at my fellow Trulians. We were tought about the MOG. The Moment of Glory, which needs to be passed on to every person in the team. It is so marvelously easy to get carried away with the moment which I fear Idid.MOG hit my head like a rocket. It just made me understand a principle which usually works only in the ideal world. It was when the mentors performed when I understood what passing the MOG around was . An unreal principle but perfectly executed. They executed a fluid model, a fluid structure, a play back theater and I wondered about the creativeness of the 4 minds that made magic out of nothing. In awe I bade goodbye and promised to meet the next Sturday at 1:30. Rehersals for our first performance start. Cant feel happier.!!! Well I hope now people understand why in the world I couldn’t keep still without penning these moments down. And I feel better. So much more better.

"Hey Days, come on...Move faster"

signing off,
Drooling Mabre.
