A Friday that was - "Good"

A very blessed Good Friday to all!

Its a friday evening. A wet friday evening infact. Its been pouring cats and dogs.
Well, today was a blessed day. Had been a part of a good and a very meaningful "Good Friday" service. This year it was a different one. Unlike all the years Good Friday didn't mean a long service where by the 3rd session your stomach outcries everything else in church, where your thighs screem for mercy, where it includes a lot of whining. This time eventhough all the whining was a part of it all[cos of my unfit body], the very touching sermons did accompany me back home and even now. The chants did not seem all Syriac to me. Things made sense today. Not sure about the reason. But definitely, things were different.

I wanted to pen down a few thoughts I learnt today.
Kochamma spoke about the different people who stood near the cross while Jesus was hanging on the wooden cross.
1. Judas- though he wasn't at the venue. He was this guy who hung otu with his master for 3 whole years, through all the ministry and the teaching. But at the end, he made a choice. He was the reason his master was dying a 'hated-man's' death. We learn that Judas hung himself on a tree, cause he realised his actions didn't lead him to any good. He tried returning his 30pcs of silver to try reverse his doings and make it all better, but no one really wanted it. So out of the huge stomach-wrenching guilt he decieded to end his own life. The lesson learnt here is "Think twice before you decide to do wrong, cause even though your plan might move smoothly it might just lead to a double tragedy. You have the freedom, think and make your right choice"

2. Peter - he disowned his friend. He outrightly told people ,he met at a public fire place, that he had absolutely nothing to do with the guy who was gonna get crucified, his Friend. But when the rooster crowed twice ,His Friend turned back and gave him a look, a look filled with "Love" and the mis-deed dawned on his heavy heart. It might have been out of fear that he disowned his friend but he realised it was not justifiable at all. He cried bitterly and repented. And now, it was the same fella to took the "good-news of hope" out to the world. In the same way the Lord is looking out with earnest eyes. Look up to him and see what He is trying to tell you.

3. John & Mary - John,Jesus' best friend, the guy Jesus loved the most was at the cross with Jesus' mother. John was at the cross with Mary, at this time of unbelievable sadness. And a relationship was formed. Jesus loooked at John and said "Here is your mother" and then looked on to Mary and uttered "Your son John". At the cross relationships are formed. Beautiful ones. Come to the corss and you won't believe the beautiful reltionships that will be formed.

I'd like to end with the song
"In the cross, in the cross
Be my glory ever
Till my raptured soul shall find
Rest beyond the river "

Signing off -
Happy Mabre
[Blest to be loved, Loved unconditionally]
