2011..There You came..!!!

2011...:) well the year has started off...Nt sure how to describe the first week...

well Il do a small write up for our dear year 2010 -

If i have to caption the year 2010 it would be " Change - tried my luck at it...But my Luck hasn't changed". There are actually no words for the year that went by... It was an "A - OK" year..but with a lot of help I managed to tread on grounds that I didn't expect to..Starting from training in 334 acres and ending up in 120 acres..Dwelling Cities have changed from Mysore to Electronics .... People have changed from acquaintances to more than that.. Food has changed from partially cooked to fully cooked... Faith took its most wavy toll on me...But through all this there were things that didn't change.. It is the One who Loves me Unconditionally... Through the year 'The One' showed me ways I cant fathom inspite of my shaky faith... Sitting today I tell 'The One' I dont deserve all this... Well a Thank You to all who were a part of my 22nd year....

A simplest word can often seem,

The hardest one to say,

But when it comes to gratitude

A"Thank- You" leads the way.

The year 2011 -

What does the year hold for me? I know not.*shaking my head*

What hopes do I carry forward? I carry forward hopes like "Controller" "Finding Tom" " Live Hard 20.0" "The Wait" .... I aint sure of what I need.. But I believe in "TrustAsk,Seek,Knock" ..so that would spell out as "TASK" .


2011 will pass by soon,

The Life-canvas will be couored in more shades than one,

Through it all it might look incomplete until the last stroke of the brush.

So , Hope I have the strength to pursue with faith,

Faith, that the Painter knows the complete picture.

As the painter works on my canvas,

Let me remember that every stroke, every colour, every position...

Is going to be a part of the Big Picture- the Painter's Picture.

Signing off,

Canvas Mabre.
