You cant have a higher GB memory or mind...!!

well..i feel i have exceeded the limit of my very compact usable part of he brain..
at the end of the day i wish i could flush or change hallf the thoughts and memories..
i wish i had the power to it...well the fact is i dont...but i do know this Big guy who can who acts in mysterious ways....his ways and actions are sometimes like a big mystery to me...but the point here is this big guy sits with me at the end of the day telling me..."this day has been wonderful..Mabre, count your blessings..."
i can feel my eyes get moist then....cos his blessings that he gave me is crazy in number......
Thats when it starts dawning on me...i need to be more like this child who unknowingly or knowingly has this immaculate faith in his father and doesn't quetion it in any way or try and reason out his mysteries........
and constantly reminding me is this earthly father and daughter that are close to my heart....

I know my Lord is seeing deep in my heart and he knws the prayer im praying and everyone under this roof..
"abba, do not turn a deaf ear please" ,looks up the daughter into her abba's eyes and wonders why is abba's eyes moist...??
